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Supplication for Continuing Life with Iman

Supplication for Continuing Life with Iman The goal of believers is to live in this world with Iman, die with Iman, meet Allah on the Day of Judgement with Iman, and finally enter paradise in the life of eternity. They sincerely try to achieve this

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Test of Iman is for the Welfare of Believers

Test of Iman is for the Welfare of Believers Iman that is accepted and practiced in life, as stated in previous chapters, will be tested. This test is a process of Allah for improving the quality of the believers, so that they can develop and

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Iman Directs a Believer to Follow Islam as the only Way of Life

Iman Directs a Believer to Follow Islam as the only Way of Life A believer first concentrates on knowing his Creator Allah, and the Fundamentals of Iman. Then he concentrates on knowing and accepting ‘Islam’ as the only way of life from Allah: “Surely the

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Significance of Iman on The Day of Final Judgment

Significance of Iman on The Day of Final Judgment “On that Day (Day of Final Judgment), people will come forward in separate groups to be shown their deeds, whoever has done an atom’s weight of good, will see it and whoever has done an atom’s

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Significance of Iman in Angels

Significance of Iman in Angels “Those who say, ‘Allah is our Lord’ and then stand firm, Angels descend on them and say, ‘Fear not, nor grieve and rejoice in the good news of Paradise that has been promised to you. We (Angels) are your companions

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The Purpose of Human Life on Earth

The Purpose of Human Life on Earth Allah says: “I will create a vicegerent on Earth” (Quran 2:30). “It is He (Allah) Who has appointed you vicegerent over the Earth” (Quran 6:165). Human beings need to work to Develop, Manage and Lead the world as

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Importance of Sowing the Seeds of Iman in Children

Importance of Sowing the Seeds of Iman in Children Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: “The best gift to children from parents is their correct training” (Tirmidi) There is a saying in English: “Parents are the first educators of their children.” Parents play a major role in

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How to Build Life on Iman

How to Build Life on Iman It is obvious from the Quran and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that a believer is not only required to believe fundamental subjects of faith by heart and declare them by mouth but is also required to